Earl, VISCOUNT ST. PIERRE, also called (from 1892) BARON ROBERTS OF
KANDAHAR. Roberts was born on Sept. 30, 1832 in Cawnpore,
India (now Kanpur) the son of Abraham Roberts and great-grandson of
John Roberts.
After a military education, he served as an
officer in the Indian Army for 25 years. Lord Roberts commanded
the British forces in Afghanistan in 1881-1882. He was later
the Commander-in-Chief, India (1885-1893), in the
South African War(1899-1902) and, finally, Commander-in-Chief of the
British Army (1901-1904). He was among the most respected officers
of the British Army. Roberts was awarded the
Victoria Cross, Britain's highest award for gallantry, while serving as a
Lieutenant in the Bengal Horse Artillery (Indian Army) during the Indian
Mutiny. In 1899, his son,
Fred Roberts was
awarded the V.C. for his actions at the Battle of Colenso during the
South African War.
Roberts was sent to Eton School, in 1846, at the age of thirteen and a
year later he was accepted at the Military Academy at Sandhurst though
he had lost the sight in one eye due to a childhood illness whilst
resident in India. After two years there he transferred to the
East India Company's military college at Addiscombe. Roberts first
came to notice during the aftermath of the Indian Mutiny (1857-58). He
gained distinction in dealing with transport and supply problems.
In June 1858 he returned to Waterford where he stayed for over a year in
the family residence in Newtown. During that year he hunted with
the Waterford Hounds and he met his future wife, Nora Henrietta Bews,
from "Landscape", Passage Road. They were married on May
17th, 1859 in St.Patrick's Church, Waterford. He took his bride to India where he remained for over
forty years. He was, originally, an artillery officer but he made
his name as a meticulous planner in the quartermaster generals office
under Sir Robert Napier. In 1880, he led a famous march from Kabul
to relieve Kandahar which was being
attacked by the Afghans. He, with ten thousand men, their baggage and
supplies marched 320 miles, in 110 degrees Fahrenheit, over rough
terrain in just twenty-one days. On Sept. 1,1880, he defeated Ayub Khan's
Afghan Army - effectively ending the Second Afghan War. In 1885,
he was made commander in chief of the Indian Army. From 1885
to 1893 he was commander in chief in India and in the latter year he was
given the Freedom of the City of Waterford.
During the Boer War
(1899-1902), Roberts became second commander in chief of the British
Army in South Africa (December 1899-November 1900) in succession to Sir
Redvers Buller. When he took command, the British situation in the
war was very shaky. By using more mounted troops and improving the
transport system, Roberts increased the army's mobility. These changes
and Roberts' campaign strategy brought the English victory. On the
very day that he sailed for South Africa his son, Fred H.S.Roberts,
V.C., was killed in the battle of Colenso,
trying to recover some captured guns. Lord Roberts ended a
succession of British defeats; captured Bloemfontein, capital of the
Orange Free State Republic (March 13, 1900), and annexed that Boer state
as the Orange River Colony (May 24). |
He took the cities of Johannesburg
(May 31) and Pretoria (June 5); and defeated Boer commandos at Bergendal
(August 27). A field marshal from 1895, he gave way to Horatio
Herbert Kitchener as commander in chief in South Africa in November
1900. He was one of the earliest advocates of
compulsory military service and he supported the officers during the Curragh Mutiny.
The 'mutiny' occurred in March 1914, shortly before the third Home Rule
Bill (which was strongly opposed by unionists) was due to come into
force. The officers intended to use the army to protect arms depots in Ulster and they were told that they would be
dismissed the service if
they refused to carry out orders. Fifty-six officers at the Curragh
military camp decided to resign rather than move against the Ulster
opponents of home rule for Ireland. General Sir Hubert de la Poer Gough
(1870-1963), who said that if the issue had been decided in open
conflict he would rather fight with, than against, Ulster, chaired the
meeting. Roberts said that if the king signed the Home Rule Bill he,
Roberts, was prepared to declare it unconstitutional. Roberts supported
the signing of the 'Ulster Covenant' and he put forward the view that,
in the event of mobilisation, the Irish militia should be sent to
Britain for duty and should be replaced in Ireland by British regular
and militia because of the 'possibility of
Roberts was
created a baron in 1892 and an earl and viscount in 1901. He received
the freedom of the city of Waterford in 1893, though not without
Both of his
sons having predeceased him, the barony became extinct, but the earldom and
viscounty devolved, in turn, on his elder and younger surviving
daughters. When the war was almost over, Roberts returned to
England to become commander in chief of the British Army and to receive
an earldom. He retired from active duty in the army in 1914. He
became known as "Kipling's General." Beloved by his
troops, he was known as "Bobs."
a little red-faced man,
is Bobs.
the tallest 'orse 'e can -
it bucks or kicks or rears,
can sit for twenty years
a smile round both 'is ears--
yer, Bobs?
"His life
was jewelled and upheld by those ideals the poet himself sought to
glorify - courage, faith and honour. But ... to Kipling's Tommy
Atkins he was just 'Bobs,' a well-loved commander who had been with them
since most of them were recruits, a shrewd tactician, yet careful of his
men's lives and solicitous of their welfare. Nothing endears a leader to
his men more than sparing them needless hardship, and for this reason
his men would follow Bobs through all necessary perils, partly for their
belief in him, and partly to see that no harm befell him."
Bobs served for
a total of forty-one years in India, at a time when the India Army was
both unfashionable and unadvantageous. In those years he rose from
Horse Artillery subaltern to Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army.
He served with distinction in the Indian Mutiny, winning the V.C. for
repeated acts of heroism. He stemmed the tide of British defeats
and brought peace to the North-West Frontier - 'Pax Britannia,' with all
that that entailed. His march from Kabul to Kandahar will long be
cited as a remarkable feat of both strategy and administration.
The Indian
Command was by far the most enlightened and experienced, but it had to
contend with the jealousy of the 'Africans,' especially Sir Garnet
Wolesley. Bobs still succeeded in rising to the highest command in
the Army becoming first, Commander-in-Chief in Ireland and, finally, the
last Commander-in-Chief of the whole army before the post was abolished.
Sent to reprieve the disasters of the early stages of the Boer War, his
energy and decision saved the situation and caused the Boers never to
take the field again as an organised army."
Bobs died while
inspecting the troops on the Western Front on Nov. 14, 1914, at
Saint-Omer, France. At his funeral his body was placed on one of
the gun carriages from the Battle of Colenso where his son had won the
Victoria Cross. |